a5c7b9f00b Narcotics cops Mike Lowrey (<a href=">Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (<a href=">Martin Lawrence) head up a task force investigating the flow of ecstasy into Miami. Their search leads to a dangerous kingpin Johnny Tapia (<a href=">Jordi Mollà), whose plan to control the city's drug traffic has touched off an underground war. Meanwhile, things get sexy between Mike and Syd (<a href=">Gabrielle Union), Marcus's sister.
Mike Lowrey (<a href=">Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (<a href=">Martin Lawrence), who are part of the Miami PD's Tactical Narcotics Team (TNT), still don't always get along, and now they're keeping secrets from each other. Mike's secret is that he's been seeing Marcus' sister, Sydney "Syd" Burnett (<a href=">Gabrielle Union) who is a reported paper pusher for the DEA's New York office. Marcus's secret is that he has asked for a transfer, because he wants to spend more time with his family, and less time with Mike. That's all set aside when their boss, Captain Howard (<a href=">Joe Pantoliano) assigns them to stop the flow of record amounts of ecstasy into the city. This puts Mike and Marcus on the trail of the most dangerous enemy that they have ever faced...Cuban drug kingpin Hector Juan Carlos "Johnny" Tapia, who wants to take control of the entire ecstasy trade in the USA, and is working with local dealers and club owners such as Russian mafia boss Alexei. Every time the Miami PD has ever arrested Tapia, Tapia has sued the Miami PD for false arrest, and won millions of dollars. This has caused the department to back off and not go after Tapia. Well, everyone has backed off except for Mike and Marcus, who have never faced Tapia before. Now, it seems that Tapia is using a mortuary as a cover for his operations, smuggling ecstasy hidden inside dead bodies, while sending his money to Cuba in hidden compartments in the coffins. While Mike and Marcus try to bring Tapia down, they also deal with the discovery that Syd is actually working undercover for the DEA to bring down a money laundering operation run by Alexei, and as part of her undercover job, Syd is in deep with Tapia. When Haitian gangsters try to steal Tapia's money and kill Syd, the two investigations cross paths. Syd's cover is later blown, and she is kidnapped by Tapia, who takes her to his compound in Cuba. With the unofficial help of people from the CIA, the Miami PD, and anti-Castro forces in Cuba, Mike and Marcus head out to rescue Syd, and bring Tapia down. How far will Tapia go to keep his drug empire? And how far will Marcus and Mike go to rescue Syd?
I have been long awaiting this movie, since the first one was sooo good. When I finally had a chance to see it, I was disappointed. The chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawerence is still there, too much of it. First, this movie was tooo long. They could have taking a lot more out then they put in. Also I know many like the new camera angles and special effects Michael Bay used but it actually made the film worse. Many of these directors today rely too much on special effects that look fake. Stick to the main agenda.<br/><br/>I will say this, I was very happy with the ending. I thought it was a nice little spin. If they had edited a good chunk of the middle, they would have been fine.
i must say this was the biggest waste of two and a half hours in my lifetime. the plot was non existant and the humour was terrible to say the least. this does not deserve half the praise it is recieving.
It's basically the longest (a butt-numbing 21/2 hours), the most expensive (a reportedly obscene $150 million), most vulgar and by far the stupidest episode of "Miami Vice" ever.
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